IRS Consignment
Help us help!
Supporting Neci through the consignment of 0.5% of its IRS is a very simple solidarity gesture, at no cost, and can represent an important contribution to the daily intervention of this institution. The consignment of IRS allows you to send to NECI a part of the tax (which would be in favor of the state).
It does not receive or pay more additional tax.
NECI VAT No. 503 112 500
With this gesture, it can make a difference!
A simple choice can represent the difference in the lives of users and families we have supported daily
Until March 31, before the IRS delivery time
The choice is made at the Finance Portal
(In “Communicate Entity and Consign IRS/VAT”)
To indicate the data of the entity to which you want to consign to click the “Search” button, next to the NIF field and select the one you want. In this case to Neci – NIF 503 112 500
In the end click on “Submit”
From April 1 to June 30, during the declarative period
The selection of the entity can be made in the IRS automatic or in the income statement (Model 3). In both cases it is necessary to indicate: type of entity that intends to support,
Entity NIF, IRS Consignment, VAT, or both options.
In the automatic IRS the consignment is
made in the “Pre -settlement” area.
Until March 31, before the IRS delivery time
The choice is made at the Finance Portal
(In “Communicate Entity and Consign IRS/VAT”)
To indicate the data of the entity to which you want to consign to click the “Search” button, next to the NIF field and select the one you want. In this case to Neci – NIF 503 112 500
In the end click on “Submit”
From April 1 to June 30, during the declarative period
The selection of the entity can be made in the IRS automatic or in the income statement (Model 3). In both cases it is necessary to indicate: type of entity that intends to support,
Entity NIF, IRS Consignment, VAT, or both options.
In the automatic IRS the consignment is
made in the “Pre -settlement” area.